Monday, October 15, 2012

Crackling audio, clicks and pops in Windows 7 / Windows 8


    Hello to everyone having this infinitely annoying problem in Windows 7 / 8 .
All of you who had tried reinstalling the drivers and disable Audio Enhancements please look onto these two simple tools ( , ) that analyze the DPC Latency of the system.
Firstly open one of those tools and hit RUN (for the first one). The LatencyMon will give you hints about what may be causing problem,anyways you'll have to manually disable multiple drivers from ControlPanel->Hardware&Sound->Devices&Printers->DeviceManager and watch while disabling each driver which is the one that causes latency problems ( the bar should be yellow or green) . After you got the root of the problem try reinstalling the driver ( search alternatives or so for it ) and see if it works. 
In Windows 8, the DPC Latency is bigger than in Windows 7 ( in W8 Iget a yellow bar in DPCLatency at best) and i hope this will be resolved in later updates so be careful with your devices/drivers.
The problem I was having was related to my Wireless device in Windows 8 that I couldn't solve yet ( I simply switched to my cable connection until i'll have more time to analyze the problem) .

Another solution I found for the Windows 8 on the internet  ( a Microsoft official posted it ) was this line that you must type inside a cmd window and run it as Administrator:
bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes
That command was supposed to reduce the DPC Latency in Windows 8 and stop freezes but it didn't help my pc to get rid of the problem, in fact I sensed no effect but it may work to you.

Lastly I thought that I could buy an wireless usb adapter that should solve half of my wireless portability problem. I'll post any news if the adapter will do the trick.

Hope it will help you, if not ..Where is your Guru now?  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Clase : diferente dintre PHP si C++

1.Initializarea membrilor.
  • In C++ , intializarea cu valori a membrilor in interiorul definitiei unei clase nu este posibila.
         Se va genera mesajul de eroare:
         error: ISO C++ forbids initialization of member ' x '   //daca x este membrul al clasei 
  • In PHP, initializarea cu valori a unui membru este permisa in interiorul definitiei unei clase.
         Exemplul urmator este valid:
    class myClass {  var $myVar = ' o valoare ' ;  }

2.Mostenirea multipla
  • In C++  , mostenirea multipla este posibila.
          De exemplu daca avem 2 clase numite "A" si "B" , o clasa "C" poate mosteni simultan din clasele "A" si "B" adica "A" si "B" sunt parinti ai lui "C".
  • In PHP,  mostenirea multipla nu este posibila, dar sunt prezente interfetele (interface) , care se pot implementa unei clase.Se pot implementa interfete multiple.
         De ex:
          interface { function a(); }
     interface { function b(); }

implements A{
a() { echo "a\n"; }
b() { echo "b\n"; }


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ubuntu 11.04

Inca un animal adaugat in plasa celor de la Canonical, narvalul.
Ubuntu a inceput sa fie din ce in ce mai solid si mai important pe piata sistemelor de operare ( pe piata distributiilor de linux are peste 50% share ) , si trebuie sa recunosc ca versiunea aceasta arata fenomenal.

Mi-a placut un timp tema aceea cafenie dar devenise prea plictisitoare, iar de cand au trecut pe mov s-au schimbat destul de multe.
GUI-ul este fara indoiala punctul forte al acestei versiuni  si se observa lucrul depus pentru a usura lucrul cu SO-ul,fapt care il face cel mai frumos GUI dintre toate SO-urile (pentru ca poate emula si bara aia atat de indragita de macintoshisti prin avant).

Nu,nu vine cu gnome 3, dar contine elemente din acesta iar upgradeul nu e dificil (How to).
Pe partea de software, are bineinteles cel mai stabil kernel de pana acum si un feature al chatului (poti chatui daca vrei fara sa schimbi fereastra de lucru pentru ca apare un minichatbox undeva jos si mi se pare destul de util).
Open Office-ul a fost inlocuit cu LibreOffice (aceeasi Marie cu alta palarie) din cauza politicii Oracle iar Software Centerul devine din ce in ce mai prietenos.

As spune, GIVE IT A TRY!
Mai jos este linkul de unde va puteti descarca Narvalul:

Si aici mai multe detalii despre ce-i nou in aceasta versiune:

Try it. Love it. Share it!

Friday, April 29, 2011

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